• Five Day Course

    The ultimate Lean training course

    The 5 day workshop explores in detail the concepts of the Toyota Production System and Toyota Way behaviours. A real appetite for Lean is essential, this course is no holiday.

  • 2 Day Lean Management Workshop

    Lean tools and culture

    The 2 day workshop digs into culture. Providing delegates with understanding not only of Lean tools but also the keys to success. The best course for senior leaders.

  • Lean Development Programme

    Training and support for a Lean project

    Beyond training! Spread over six months, through three visits to Toyota and five visits to your own site you will not only learn about Lean principles but apply them to realise tangible improvements.

  • Half Day Lean Introduction Seminar

    An introduction to Lean

    Not sure about Lean or you have employees you would like to introduce to this topic? Observe these at our state of the art manufacturing facility as we introduce you to Lean principles.

  • 1.5 Day Lean Management Workshop

    Key elements of TPS

    Delegates will, through the use of simulation techniques, extensive worksite study and classroom presentation, grasp the meaning of key elements of TPS and gain appreciation of its practical application.

  • Effective Line Management

    A deep dive into our shop floor

    Understand how Toyota supervisors promote and maintain high performance. A continuous improvement culture starts at the Gemba, which is where this course takes place.

  • 5S

    More than just a tidy workplace

    5S is a tool that generates teamwork and motivation and it’s a tool to enable the rapid recognition of abnormality. For these reasons it plays a vital role in supporting the Toyota Production System (TPS).

  • Built In Quality

    A philosophy of continuous improvement

    Toyota has achieved a reputation for the production of very high quality vehicles in all countries around the world. This has been achieved by an approach to quality control and quality assurance which is unique to Toyota.

  • Value Stream Mapping

    A tool for process visualisation and lead time reduction

    If you can imagine your business as a timeline that starts from the point when you get the order and ends at the point you collect the cash then what we are trying to do is reduce that timeline by eliminating non-value added activities.

  • Standardised Work

    The platform that supports the Toyota Production System

    Standardised work can be applied to any process where human interaction is present. Without clear standards it is impossible for people to judge if a situation is normal or abnormal.

  • Practical Problem Solving

    Toyota A3 Problem Solving

    Many organisations often struggle with effective problem solving and find that the best they can achieve is to merely contain the existing problems by introducing more waste into the organisation.

  • Kaizen

    One of the major tools of the Toyota Production System

    Kaizen has long been recognised as one of the major tools of the Toyota Production System. Practising Kaizen on a daily basis ensures constant challenge to find a better way of working, eliminating waste within our operations.

  • Effective Maintenance

    The benefits of a proactive TPM system

    Stability is the foundation or bedrock of the Toyota Production System (TPS), without stable, reliable and repeatable processes it is difficult to implement standardised work and operate just in time (JIT).

  • One Day Energy Saving Workshop

    A 1-day workshop demonstrating to delegates Toyota’s ‘brains, not money’ approach to energy saving and reduction in carbon emissions.