Welcome to the

Toyota Lean Management Centre

Engine Plant, Deeside, North Wales and Vehicle Plant, Burnaston, Derbyshire

In today's competitive landscape, Lean Management training has never been more important.

Guided by the Toyota Production System (TPS) and the Toyota Way, our experts have been supporting businesses to develop their people and processes since 2009.
Our team of experienced employees from both of Toyota’s UK manufacturing plants draw from a wide range of disciplines to provide training for all kinds of businesses.
We only want to add value to your business, so we’ll review your needs before progressing with Lean training. Our services are available to any non-competitive organisation.
True success comes from putting theory into practice. That’s why we focus on leaving behind the processes and skills your people need to continue your Lean journey.

Our Services

Tailored training

Our courses cover a wide range of topics, but our approach means we can tailor training to meet your unique business needs, online or face to face.

We can deliver training at your own site to allow for the immediate application of Lean principles. Alternatively, you can visit our North Wales or Derbyshire plants to see how we apply the principles.

In-depth diagnostics

The Toyota Lean Management Centre will visit your site for a three-day, in-depth study to benchmark your organisation against TPS and The Toyota Way.

Once we understand the culture of your organisation and how Lean tools will best help, we’ll give you an action plan that’s tailored to your business.

Hands-on coaching

We believe developing people is the key to operational success. That’s why we coach your leaders to fast-track your business’ Lean journey.

The result is a company culture which embraces change, with employees that are empowered to solve problems and use Lean tools to identify and eliminate waste.

Our most popular courses

  • Five Day Course

    The ultimate Lean training course

    The 5 day workshop explores in detail the concepts of the Toyota Production System and Toyota Way behaviours. A real appetite for Lean is essential, this course is no holiday.

  • 2 Day Lean Management Workshop

    Lean tools and culture

    The 2 day workshop digs into culture. Providing delegates with understanding not only of Lean tools but also the keys to success. The best course for senior leaders.

  • Lean Development Programme

    Training and support for a Lean project

    Beyond training! Spread over six months, through three visits to Toyota and five visits to your own site you will not only learn about Lean principles but apply them to realise tangible improvements.

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  • Funding for Welsh companies via the Lean Clusters Programme.
    Find out more 
  • Funding for Irish companies via the Lean Business Offer.
    Find out more 
  • Programmes for aerospace, off-shore wind and high-value manufacturing.
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  • Retail

    Major UK retailer invests
    in developing employees
    and lean principles to
    deliver results.

    Find out more 
  • Education

    Lean is child's play! Successful introduction of 5S and much more in a primary school.

    Find out more 
  • Charity

    TPS principles used to
    help a charity. Eliminating
    waste means more
    money where it can
    make a difference.

    Find out more 
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Our Philosophy

Sharing knowledge helps everyone to continuously improve

"The Toyota style is not to create results by working hard. It is a system that says there is no limit to people's creativity. People don't go to Toyota to 'work' they go there to 'think'.

Taiichi Ohno