5S Training Course



5S is a tool that when used correctly will enable the elimination of waste that contributes to the creation of mistakes, defects and injuries in the workplace.
5S training from Toyota will provide more than just a clean and tidy workplace.

5S is a tool that generates teamwork and motivation and it’s a tool to enable the rapid recognition of abnormality. For these reasons it plays a vital role in supporting the Toyota Production System (TPS).

To maximize the benefits of 5S the organisational culture required to sustain it in operation is of paramount importance. If used correctly 5S can be part of the process of visual control of a well planned lean system. 

5S Key Study Areas

  • The meaning and true purpose of each element
  • How to use the tool to engage and motivate employees
  • Management's role in sustaining 5S
  • How to effectively implement 5S

Aimed At

All levels.

Course Information

5S training can be delivered either at our Deeside facility or at your own site, when it comes to starting there is no time like the present. For courses held at the client's site we can help you identify your starting point.

Course duration is one day with the start time flexible to suit your requirements.

£435+VAT per person.

Customer Comments

"Well structured, good pace, knowledgable team, 10/10." - 23/05/23

"Thanks for opening my eyes. I've made some small changes following the course and it's making a big difference." - 23/01/20

"Our eyes have been opened.  We have loads of work to do but i've been inspired and motivated." - 06/02/18