Toyota Lean Management Centre

Engine Plant, Deeside, North Wales & Vehicle Plant, Burnaston, Derbyshire

In today's highly competitive society, lean management training has never been more important.

Use the 'Contact Us' link to discuss how the Toyota Lean Management Centre can help.

Guided by the Toyota Production System and the Toyota Way, the Toyota Lean Management Centre have been supporting organisations who want to develop people and processes since 2009.

A team of experienced Toyota employees from both Toyota's UK manufacturing plants. Having been drawn from a wide range of disciplines, we have experience providing lean training to a broad spectrum of organisations.

Our services are available to any non-competitive organisation who have a desire to improve. Before engaging we will review your needs and only progress with activity which will add value to your business.

We understand that true success is what happens after an engagement. Our focus is leaving behind systems which can be sustained and people who have the skills required to continue their own journey.

Our Services

Lean Training

Lean Training

Courses cover a wide breadth of topics available online and face to face. We have experience working with a diverse range of clients.

If your needs are more unique, bespoke courses can be developed.

Delivering training at a client's own site allows for immediate application of lean principles. Alternatively train at our North Wales or Derbyshire plants to see how Toyota has applied the principles.



Toyota Lean Management Centre will visit your site for an in-depth study to benchmark your organisation against TPS and The Toyota Way.

Available for both manufacturing and service companies.

Understanding the culture of your organisation and how lean tools are currently applied will enable us to propose an action plan tailored to your business.



Developing people is the key to developing organisations! Engaging us to coach your leaders will accelerate your lean journey.

The legacy of a coaching activity will be a culture which embraces change, employees who are empowered to solve problems and a deep understanding of tools which can be used to identify and eliminate waste.


The Toyota Lean Management Centre are pleased to be working with the following partners.

Providing funding for Welsh companies to participate in Lean Cluster Programme.

Funding available to Irish companies via the Lean Business Offer.


Case Studies

In addition to working with manufacturing companies we have experience in a variety of sectors.

Government Agency

Government Agency

Over 100 companies have sent in excess of 2000 employees for lean training by TLMC 



Major UK retailer invests in developing employees and lean principles to deliver results



Lean is child's play! Successful introduction of 5S and much more in a primary school



TPS principles used to help a charity. Eliminating waste means more money where it can make a difference